Deuteronomy 18:1-8

Matthew(i) 1 The Preastes the Leuytes, all the trybe of Leui shal haue no parte nor enheritaunce with Israel. The offrynges of the Lord and his enheritaunce they shall eate, 2 but shall haue no enheritaunce among their brethren: the Lorde he is their enherytaunce, as he hath sayde vnto them. 3 And this is the dutie of the preastes of the people and of them that offer, whether it be oxe or shepe: They must geue vnto the preast, the shoulder and the two chekes & the mawe, 4 the fyrst frutes of the corne, wyne & oyle & the first of the shepe sheryng must thou geue him. 5 For the Lord thy God hath chosen him out of all the trybes to stande and to minystre in the name of the Lord: bothe: hym & hys sonnes for euer. 6 If a Leuite come out of any of thy cytyes or any place of Israel, wher he is a soiourner, & come wyth all the lust of his herte vnto the place which the Lord hath chosen: 7 he shal ther ministre in the name of the Lord his God as all his bretherne the Leuites do which stande ther before the Lord. 8 And they shall haue lyke porcyones to eate, besyde that whych cometh to hym of the patrimonye of hys elders.