Daniel 6:25-28

Matthew(i) 25 After thys, wrote the Kinge Darius vnto all people kinreddes, and tunges, that dwelt in al landes: peace be multiplyed wt you. 26 My commaundement is, in al my dominion & kingedome, that men feare and stande in awe of Daniels God. For he is the liuinge God, whiche abydeth euer: his kingedome shall not fayle, and hys power is euerlasting. 27 It is he that delyuereth and saueth: he doeth wonders & maruelous worckes, in heauen and in earth: he hath preserued Daniel from the power of the Lyons. 28 This Daniell prospered in the raigne of Darius and Cirus of Persia.