Daniel 1:2-7

Matthew(i) 2 and the Lord deliuered Iehoakim the kinge of Iuda into his hande, with certayne ornamentes of the house of God, whiche he caryed awaye vnto the lande of Sennar, to the house of his God, and there he broughte them into hys Goddes treasurye. 3 And the kyng spake vnto Asphanaz the chefe chamberlayne, that he shulde brynge hym certayne of the chyldren of Israel, that were come of the kynges sede & of prynces, 4 yonge spryngaldes wythout anye blemyshe, but fayre & welfauoured, instructe in all wisdome, connyng and vnderstanding: whiche were able to stande in the kynges palace, to reade and to learne for to speake Caldeish. 5 Vnto these the king appoynted a certayne porcyon of hys owne meate, and of the wyne, which he drancke hym selfe, so to noryshe them thre yeare: that afterwarde they myght stande before the kynge. 6 Amonge these nowe were certayne of the chyldren of Iuda: namely Daniel, Ananias, Misael & Azarias. 7 Vnto these the chefe chamberlayne gaue other names, & called Daniel, Balthazar: Ananias, Sidrach, Misael, Misach, and Asarias, Abednago.