Acts 8:26-39

Matthew(i) 26 Then the aungel of the Lorde spake vnto Philippe, saiynge: aryse and go Southward vnto the way, that goeth doune from Ierusalem vnto Gaza, which is in the desert. 27 And he arose and wente on. And beholde a man of Ethiopia, whiche was a chamberlayne, and of greate auctorite with Candace quene of the Ethiopians, and had the rule of all her treasure, came to Hierusalem for to praye. 28 And as he returned home againe sittinge in hys charet, he reade Esay the prophete. 29 Then the spyrite sayed to Phylippe: God neare, and ioyne thy selfe to yonder charete. 30 And Philippe ranne to him, and hearde hym reade the Prophete Esaias and saied: Vnderstandeste thou what thou readeste? 31 And he saied: how can I excepte I had a gyde? And he desiered Philyp, that he woulde come vp and syt wyth hym. 32 The tenoure of the scripture whiche he reade, was thys. He was led as a shepe to be slaine, and lyke a Lambe dombe before his sherar, so opened he not his mouth: 33 Because of hys humblenes, he was not estemed: who shall declare hys generacyon? for his lyke is taken from the earth. 34 The chamberlayne aunswered Phylippe, and sayed: I pray the of whom speaketh the Prophete this? of him selfe, or of some other man? 35 And Philippe opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached vnto him Iesus. 36 And as they wente on their waye, they came vnto a certaine water, and the chamberlaine sayed: Se here is water, what shall let me to be baptysed? 37 Philyp saide vnto him: If thou beleue with all thyne herte, thou maieste. He aunswered and saied, I beleue that Iesus Christe is the sonne of God. 38 And he commaunded the charete to stande styll. And they went doune both into the water: both Philippe and also the chamberlayne, and he baptysed him. 39 And assone as they were come out of the water, the spyryte of the Lorde caught awaye Phylip, that the chamberlayne sawe him no more. And he went on his waie reioysinge: