Acts 27:13-20

Matthew(i) 13 When the south wind blewe, they supposynge to obtayne theyr purpose, loused vnto Asson and sailed paste al Candy. 14 But anone after there arose againste their purpose, a flowe of winde out of the northeaste. 15 And when the shyp was caughte, and coulde not resiste the winde, we lette her go & draue with the wether. 16 And we came vnto an yle named Clauda, and had muche worke to come by a bote, 17 whiche they toke vp an vsed helpe, vndergerdinge the shippe, fearinge lest they shoulde haue fallen into Syrtes and we let doune a vessell and so were caried. 18 The nexte daye, when we were tossed with an excedinge tempest, they lightened the shippe, 19 & the third daye we cast out with oure owne handes, the tacklinge of the shippe. 20 When at the laste nether sunne nor starre in manye dayes appeared, and no smal tempest laye vpon vs, all hope that we shoulde be saued, was then taken awaye.