2 Samuel 10:1-5

Matthew(i) 1 It happened after this, that the kynge of the chyldren of Amnon dyed, & Hanon his sonne raygned in hys steade. 2 Then sayde Dauid: I wyl shew kyndnesse vnto Hanon the sonne of Nahas, as hys father shewed kyndnesse vnto me. And thervpon Dauid sente to conforte hym by the hande of hys seruauntes ouer the death of hys father. Now when Dauids seruauntes were come into the land of the chyldren of Amnon: 3 the Lordes of the chyldren of Amnon sayde vnto Hanon theyr Lorde: thynkest thou that Dauid doth honoure thy father, because he hath sent to comfort the? Naye, he hath rather sent hys seruauntes vnto the, to searche the cytye and to spye out, euen to ouerthrow it. 4 Wherfore Hanon toke Dauids seruauntes and shaued of the one halfe of euerye mannes bearde & cut of theyr garmentes euen in the myddle, euen harde by the buttockes of them and sent them awaye. 5 When it was tolde Dauid he sent against them (for they were men excedyngly ashamed) & saide: tarye at Iericho vntyll your beerdes be growen, & then returne.