2 Kings 5:20-27

Matthew(i) 20 Gihezi the seruaunt of Elizeus the man of God, sayd: se, my mayster hath kepte of, thys Syryen Naaman that he wolde not receyue of hys hand that he offered. As surely as the Lorde lyueth I wyl runne after hym, and take somewhat. 21 And so Gihezi went after Naaman. And when Naaman sawe hym come runnynge after hym, he came doune of the charet agaynst hym & said: is all well? 22 And he sayde: yea. But my mayster hath sente me, sayinge: se there be two younge men come to me oute of Ephraim of the chyldren of the Prophetes: geue them I praye the, one talent of syluer, & a couple of good garmentes. 23 And Naaman sayde: auenture and take two talentes of syluer in two bagges, with two goodlye garmentes, & delyuered them vnto two of hys seruauntes, to beare it before hym. 24 And he went in the darcke, and toke it of theyr handes and bestowed it in the house, and let the men go, & they departed. 25 Then he went & stode before hys mayster. And Elizeus sayde to hym: whence commeth Gihezi? And he sayde: thy seruaunt wente no whether. 26 And he sayde: wente not myne herte with the, when the man turned & came of hys charet agaynste the? Is it a tyme to receyue syluer & to receyue garmentes, olyue trees, vineyardes, oxen, shepe menseruauntes & maid seruauntes? 27 The leprosye therfore of Naaman claue vnto the, & vnto thy seede for euer. And he went out from hym a leper as whit as snowe.