2 Kings 25:18-21

Matthew(i) 18 And the chefe Marshall toke Saraiah the chefe preste, and Zophoniah, the hiest preste saue one, & thre kepers of the dore. 19 And out of the citie he toke a certayne chambrelayne that had the ouersyght of the men of warre, and fiue men that were euer in the kynges presence, whiche were founde in the cytye, and Sopher the captayne of the Hoste that taught the people of the lande to make warre and threskore men of the people of the lande that were founde in the citie also. 20 And Nabusaradan the chefe Marshall toke them and brought them to the Kynge of Babilon to Reblah. 21 And the kynge of Babilon smote them and slue them at Reblah in the lande of Hemath. And so Iuda was caried awaye out of their lande.