2 Kings 17:35-39

Matthew(i) 35 and made an appoyntmente with them and charged them saying: feare not any other Goddes, nor bow your selues to them nor serue them, nor sacrifice to them: 36 but to the Lorde whych brought you oute of the lande of Egypte wyth greate powre & a stretched out arme: hym feare & to him bowe & to him do sacrifice. 37 And the ordinaunces, customes, law & commaundement which I wrote for you, se that ye be diligente to do for euermore, & feare not any other Goddes. 38 And the appoyntement that I haue made wyth you, se ye forget not, and that you feare none other Goddes: 39 but the Lorde youre God ye shall feare, & he shall delyuer you out of the handes of all youre enemies.