2 Corinthians 6:4-10

Matthew(i) 4 but in al thynges let vs behaue our selues as the ministers of God. In muche pacience, in afflictions, in necessitie, in anguishe, 5 in strypes, in prysonnement in stryfe, in laboure, in watchynge, in fasting 6 in purenes, in knoweledge, in longe suffering in kyndnes, in the holye ghoste, in loue vnfayned, 7 in the wordes of trueth, in the power of God, in the armour of ryghtuousnes on the ryght hande, and on the lyfte, 8 in honoure and dishonour, in euyll reporte, & good reporte: as disceyuers & yet true: 9 as vnknowen, & yet knowen: as dying, & beholde we yet liue: as chastened and not kylled: 10 as sorowyng, & yet alway mery: as poore, and yet make many ryche: as hauynge nothynge, and yet possessynge all thynges.