2 Chronicles 35

Matthew(i) 1 And Iosiah helde the feast of passeouer vnto the Lorde in Ierusalem, and they slue passeouer in the .xiiij. daye of the fyrst moneth. 2 And he set the preastes in theyr offyces and ayded them in the seruyce of the house of the Lorde. 3 And he sayde to the Leuites that taught thorow out all Israell and were sanctifyed vnto the Lorde: put the holy arcke in the house which Salomon the sonne of Dauid Kynge of Israel dyd builde, ye neade not to beare it vpon youre shoulders. Wherfore now serue the Lorde youre God and his people Israel. 4 And prepare youre selues by youre auncient housholdes and companyes, accordyng to the wrytyng of Dauid Kynge of Israel, & the wrytynge of Salomon his sonne. 5 And stande in the holy place accordyng to the deuysions of the auncient houshouldes of youre brethren the chyldren of the people, and after the deuysyon of the auncient housholdes of the Leuites, 6 and kyll passouer sanctifye and prepare youre brethren that they may do accordynge to the worde of the Lord by the hand of Moses. 7 And Iosiah gaue to the comen people in lambes and kyddes, for passe ouer offeringes onlye, vnto all that were present .xxx. thousande by tale, & thre thousande oxen, euen of the kynges substaunce. 8 And his Lordes gaue wyllynglye both vnto the people & also vnto the preastes & vnto the Leuites. Helkiah, Zachariah & Iehiel, rulers of the house of God, gaue vnto the preastes for passeouerofferynges two thousand & syxe hundred lambes & kyddes, and thre hundred oxen. 9 And Conaniah with semeiah & Nathaneel his brethren, and Hasabiah and Iaiel & Iosabad Lordes of the Leuites, gaue vnto the Leuites fyue thousadde passeouer offerynge, and fyue hundred oxen. 10 And so the seruice went forwarde, and the preastes stode in theyr places, & the Leuites in theyr companies at the kynges commaundement. 11 And they slue passeouer: & the preastes sprinckled the bloude receyuynge it of the Leuites, and the Leuites stripte the beastes. 12 And they fett awaye the burntofferynges, to geue them vnto the comen people as they were deuyded by auncient houses, for to offer vnto the Lord, lyke as it is wrytten in the boke of Moses. And so dyd they with the oxen to. 13 And they dressed the passeouer with fyre as the maner was. But the other halowed dedycat beastes they sodde in pottes, caulderns & pannes & deuyded them quycklye amonge all the comen people. 14 And afterwarde they made readye for them selues and for the preastes and for the chyldren of Aaron, which were busied in offerynge of burntofferynges and the fatt vntyll nyght. And therfore the Leuites prepared for them selues and for the preastes the sonnes of Aaron. 15 And the syngers the chyldren of Asaph stode in theyr standyng accordyng to the commaundement of Dauid and Asaph, Heman and Iduthun the kynges sear of visions: and the porters wayted at euery gate, and might not departe from theyr seruyce: But theyr brethren the Leuites prepared for them. 16 And so all the seruyce of the Lorde went forwarde the sayde daye, in offerynge passeouer of burntofferynges vpon the aulter of the Lorde, accordyng to the commaundement of kynge Iosiah. 17 And so the chyldren of Israel that coulde be founde, offered passeouer the same tyme & kepte the feast of swete breade seuen dayes. 18 And ther was no passeouer lyke to that, kept in Israel from the tyme of Samuel the prophete nether dyd anye of the kynges of Israel holde soche a passeouer feast as dyd Iosiah and the preastes and Leuites and all Iuda, and as moche of Israel as coulde be had, and the enhabiters of Ierusalem. 19 And this passeouer was holden in the .xviij. yere of the raygne of Iosiah. 20 After all this, when Iosiah had finisshed the temple, Necho kyng of Egypt came vp to fight agaynst Carcamis vpon Euphrates, and Iosiah went out agaynst him. 21 And the other sent messengers to hym, sayinge: what haue I to do with the thou kyng of Iuda? I came not agaynst the nowe at this tyme, but agaynste an house with whom I haue warre, & God bade me haste. Leaue of therfore and medle not with God which is with me, least he destroye the. 22 Neuerthelesse Iosiah turned not his face from him, but made hym readye to fyght wyth him, and herkened not vnto the wordes of Necho out of the mouth of God. And when he was come to fyght in the valeye of Magedo, 23 the shoters shotte agaynste the kyng Iosiah. And the king sayd to his seruauntes: carie me away, for I am sore hurte. 24 And his seruauntes had him oute of the charet and put him in another, and brought him to Ierusalem where he dyed & was buried in the sepulchre of his fathers. And al Iuda & Ierusalem mourned for Iosiah. 25 And Ieremiah lamented Iosiah, and all syngynge men and singing wemen speake of Iosiah to this day, & made it an ordinaunce in Israell: and they be written in lamentacions. 26 The rest of the actes of Iosiah and his goodnes in folowinge the wryting of the law, 27 & his deades fyrste & last are written in the boke of the kynges of Israel and Iuda.