1 Timothy 6:13-16

Matthew(i) 13 I geue the charge in the syght of GOD, whiche quickeneth all thynges, & before Iesu Christe whiche vnder Poncyus Pylate wytnessed a good wytnessynge, 14 that thou kepe the commaundement, and be wythout spot and vnrebukeable, vntyll the appearynge of our Lorde Iesus, 15 whiche appearynge (when the tyme is come) he shal shew that is blessed and myghtye onelye, kynge of kynges, & Lord of Lordes, 16 whiche onelye hath immortalitie, and dwelleth in lyght that no man can attayne, whome neuer man sawe, neyther can se, to whom be honoure and rule euerlastynge. Amen.