1 Corinthians 7:12-15

Matthew(i) 12 To the remnaunte speake I and not the Lord. Yf anye brother haue a wyfe that beleued not, if she be contente to dwel with hym, let him not put her awaye. 13 And the woman, which hath to her husband an infidele, if he consente to dwell with her, let her not put him awaie. 14 For the vnbeleuinge husbande, is sainctified by the wyfe: and the vnbeleuinge wife, is sainctified by the husbande. Or els were youre chyldren vnclene: but nowe are they pure. 15 But and if the vnbeleuinge departe, let him departe. A brother or a syster is not in subieccion to suche. God hath called vs in peace.