1 Chronicles 6:31-48

Matthew(i) 31 These be they whyche Dauid set for to singe in the house of the Lorde, after that the Arcke had reste. 32 And they mynystred before the dwellinge place of the tabernacle of wytnesse wyth syngynge, vntyll Salomon had buylt the temple of the Lorde in Ierusalem. And then they wayted on theyr offyces accordinge to the order of them. 33 These are they that wayted with theyr children of the sonnes of Cahath: Heman a synger, whyche was the sonne of Ioel, the sonne of Samuel. 34 The sonne of Elcanah, the sonne of Ieroham, the sonne of Eliel: the sonne of Thoah, 35 the sonne of Zuph, the sonne of Elcanah, the sonne of Mahath, the sonne of Amasai, 36 the sonne of Elcanah, the sonne of Ioel, the sonne of Asariah, the sonne of Zophoniah: 37 the sonne of Thahath, the sonne of Asir, the sonne of Abiasaph the sonne of Coreh: 38 the sonne of Izahar, the sonne of Cahath: the sonne of Leui the sonne of Israel. 39 And his brother Asaph stode on his ryght hande, whych was the sonne of Barachiah, the sonne of Samaa: 40 the sonne of Michael the sonne of Baasaiah, the sonne of Melchiah, 41 the sonne of Athani, the sonne of Zarah, the sonne of Adaiach: 42 the sonne of Ethan, the sonne of Zamah, the sonne of Semei: 43 the sonne of Iahath, the sonne of Gersom, the sonne of Leui. 44 And theyr brethren the sonnes of Merari stode on the lefte hand: Ethan the sonne of Chusi, the sonne of Abdi, the sonne of Maloch: 45 the sonne of Hasabiah, the sonne of Amaziah, the sonne of Helkiah: 46 the sonne of Amazi, the sonne of Boni, the sonne of Somer: 47 the sonne of Moholi, the sonne of Musi, the sonne of Merari, the sonne of Leui. 48 Their brethren the Leuites were apoynted vnto all maner seruyce of the tabernacle of the house of God.