1 Peter 1:18-25

Mace(i) 18 considering, that it was not by such perishable things as silver or gold, that you were releas'd from those vain rites and customs impos'd upon you by your fathers, 19 but by the precious blood of Christ, who is the lamb without spot, and without blemish: 20 who was destin'd before the creation of the world, tho' 'tis of late only that he has appear'd, upon your account: 21 it is by him that you believe in God, who has raised him from the dead, and invested him with glory, that your faith and your hope might be in God. 22 You that have purified your souls by the holy spirit, in obeying the gospel, which obliges you to an undisguised benevolence, let your hearts be mutually affected with the most disinterested ardour; 23 since your regeneration is not owing to any corruptible principles, but to the unchangeable word of the immortal God. 24 for human nature is like grass, and all their glory like the flower of the herb, the herb withers, the flower droops, 25 but the word of the Lord remains for ever: and that is the gospel, which has been preached to you.