Revelation 8:3-5

JMNT(i) 3 Then another agent (messenger) came and was stationed (or: was set; is made to stand) upon (or: = at) the altar, continuously holding a golden censer. And there was given to him many incenses (or: much incense), so that he may give [them, or, it] by the words toward having goodness (or: would offer [it] in the prayers; that he could impart [them] to the prayers) of the set-apart folks (from the holy ones), upon the golden altar which is before the throne. [comment: this would be in the holy place of the temple, in front of the holy of holies in which is the ark of the covenant: = the throne] 4 And the smoke of the incenses ascended – by and in the prayers of the set-apart folks – from out of the agent’s hand, before God (or: in God’s sight and presence). 5 Then the agent had taken the censer and filled it full out of the fire of the altar, and he threw [fire; or, the censer] into the Land (or: earth; soil). And thunders and sounds (or: voices) and lightnings and shakings birthed themselves (or: of themselves came into being).