Matthew 13:24-26

JMNT(i) 24 He placed (or: put; set) another parable (illustration) beside [the previous one] for them, proceeding in saying, "The reign and sovereignty activities of the heavens (or: kingdom of the atmospheres) is likened and compared to a person (human) sowing (scattering) fine, ideal seed within his field. 25 "Now during the continued sleeping of the people, his enemy (the one hostile to him) came and oversowed weed seeds (scattered-on darnel [= a wild grass, or, bastard wheat]; i.e., plants that would compete with the main crop, and that would cause extra work at harvest time) again, through the midst of the wheat (or: grain), and then went away. 26 "So when the blade sprouted and put forth leaves, and then produced fruit (a crop), at that time the weeds (darnel: indistinguishable from wheat stalks until close to harvest time) also became apparent (visible and evident).