John 20:24-29

JMNT(i) 24 Now Thomas – one from among the twelve, the one normally called, "Twin (Didymus)" – was not with them when Jesus came. 25 Consequently the other disciples kept telling him, "We have seen the Lord (Master)!" Yet he said to them, "Unless I can see and perceive the mark (impression; print; exact replica) of the blow of the nails (spikes) within His hands, and can thrust my finger into the impression (or: mark) of the nails and thrust my hand into His side, I can in no way (or: I will by no means) trust or believe." 26 Now after eight days, His disciples (students; apprentices) were again indoors (or: inside), Thomas also with them. The door having been shut and locked (bolted), and being yet that way, Jesus is progressively coming, and then suddenly steps into the midst, and says, "Peace [= Shalom] to and for you folks!" 27 Next, He is saying to Thomas, "Bring your finger here (to this place) and see (or: perceive) My hands; and bring your hand and thrust [it] into My side, and do not continue coming to be unbelieving (or: stop becoming without trust), but to the contrary, believing (trusting; full of faith)!" 28 Thomas decidedly replies, and said to Him, "O my Lord (or: Owner) and my God!" (or: “O my Master!,” and, “O my God!”) 29 Jesus then says to him, "Because you have seen Me, you have trusted and believed! (or: ?) Happy and blessed [are] those trusting and believing, although not also seeing or perceiving."