Hebrews 7:23-28

JMNT(i) 23 Furthermore, indeed, many are the folks having become priests, [in succession]because of [predecessors], one after another, being cut off (thus: hindered) by death from continuing in abiding near (remaining at the side), 24 but He, on account of His continuously remaining on into the Age, constantly holds (continuously possesses) the unable-to-be-walked-along (or: the not-going-to-the-side; inviolate; infallible) priesthood. 25 Consequently He is also continuously able and powerful to be constantly delivering (continuously setting-free, restoring to health and making whole) – unto the finishing of all (unto the completed goal of everything; into the midst of the all-perfection; unto the end of all; into the final act and destiny of all) – those folks habitually approaching God through Him [Who is] always living to be repeatedly effecting encounters over them and to hit the internal target. 26 For a Chief Priest such as this One was, and continues to be, fitting (appropriate; proper) for us: loyal and dedicated, benign (without bad quality; harmless; without bad form; not ugly), unstained (undefiled), having been parted (severed; separated) away from those failing to hit the target (those making errors; the sinners), even being birthed higher than the atmospheres and heavens, 27 Who is not having daily necessity, just as the chief priests, to repeatedly offer up sacrifices over their own failures (errors; sins) before, and after that, those of the people. For this He performed just once (once for all; on one [occasion]), offering up Himself [other MSS: bringing (or: carrying) Himself toward {God, or, us} (or: presenting Himself)]. 28 You see, the Law (or: custom) is continually placing (setting down) people having weakness (want of strength) [as] chief priests. But the word pertaining to the sworn oath (or: which was the act of taking an oath) [which came] after the Law [appoints] a Son [Who is] One having been finished, perfected, brought to the goal and is now complete, [leading] unto (or: on into; into the midst of) the Age [of the Messiah]!