Acts 11:1-18

JMNT(i) 1 Now the sent-forth folks and the brothers (= fellow believers) who were down throughout Judea heard that the ethnic groups of the nations (the non-Jews; Gentiles) also welcomingly received and embraced the Logos of God (or: the Word which is God; the message from God; God's thought, idea and reason). 2 So when Peter went up into Jerusalem, the men from among [the] Circumcision [note: i.e., the Jews adhering to the Jewish culture and religion: these may or may not have been a part of the called-out community] continued their evaluation [of propriety] for a complete distinction and separation [between Jews and non-Jews], and so began taking sides against him to make a cleavage, contending and debating the issue with him, 3 [and, speaking about Peter,] were saying that he had gone into [a house] to men still having foreskins and he had eaten with them. [other MSS have this as a direct address: "You entered to men that are uncircumcised, and you ate with them!"] 4 At this Peter, in making a beginning, began setting [the matter] out for them consecutively (or: expounding a deliberate and detailed narrative to them, point by point), saying, 5 "I myself was in the city of Joppa, continuing in prayer (thinking and speaking towards things being well), and I saw – within an ecstasy (a displaced state of being) – a vision (a sight): some container in the process of descending, like a large, fine linen sheet, being gradually but progressively lowered down from out of the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven) by [its] four corners (extremities; origins; beginnings), and it came right down to me, 6 "after gazing intently, stretching [my eyes] into which, I began considering and fixing my mind down [on it], and then saw (or: perceived) the four-footed animals of the land (or: earth), and the little wild animals that are trapped and hunted, also creeping things (insects and reptiles), as well as the flying creatures of the sky (or: heaven; atmosphere). 7 "Now I also heard a voice, saying to me, 'Get up (Stand up; Arise), Peter! Slaughter (or: Sacrifice) and eat [something] at once!' 8 "But I said, 'Not even one [of those], Sir (or: Lord; Master; or: = Christ or Yahweh?), because common (= what is not set-apart as food for Israelites and is forbidden by the dietary rules of the Law) and unclean (meaning: ceremonially unclean) never entered into my mouth!' 9 "Yet a voice forth from a second one (or: = a second time; out of a second [directive]) responded decidedly from out of the heaven (or: atmosphere; sky), 'You are not to continue making, or considering, common [the] things which God cleansed (or: cleanses) and made (or: makes) clean!' 10 "Now this occurred three times, and then everything was pulled (or: drawn) back up again into the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven). 11 "Furthermore – now consider this! – out of that very [moment], three men, being the ones sent off on the mission from Caesarea to me, stood at the house in which we presently were [other MSS: I presently was]. 12 "So the Breath-effect (or: Spirit) told me to at once go with them – doubting nothing and making no discrimination nor separating myself in even one thing. Now these six brothers also went together with me, and then we entered into the house of the man. 13 "Now he at once reported back to us how he saw the agent (messenger) standing within his house, and then saying, 'Send off into Joppa, then send after Simon, the one now surnamed Peter, 14 "'who will be speaking to you gush-effects and results of the flow (or: declarations; spoken words) within the midst of which you yourself will be made whole (saved; rescued; healed and returned to your pristine state of being) – as well as all your household!' 15 "However, within the midst of my starting to continue speaking, the set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit) fell upon them – even as also upon us, in the beginning. 16 "At this I was reminded of the results of the flow and the gush-effects (or: words spoken) by the Lord, as He was repeatedly saying, 'John, indeed (or: for his part), immersed in water, yet you yourselves will be immersed (baptized) within the midst of set-apart Breath-effect (or: in [the] Holy Spirit).' 17 "Since (or: If), therefore, God gave (or: gives) to them the equal free gift (the gratuity that is equal in quality, measure and rank) as also to us, when (or: in) believing and putting their trust upon the Lord, Jesus Christ (or: [the] Anointed Jesus) – who or what [am] I? Was I able to cut off or hinder God?!" 18 Now upon hearing these, they were quiet (silent; still), and then they gave glory to, and enhanced the reputation of, God, as a group saying, "Consequently, God also gave (or: gives) to the non-Jews (the ethnic multitudes of the nations) the change of mind (or: change in thinking) [which brings one; or, leads] into Life!"