Acts 10:12-14

JMNT(i) 12 within the midst of which were continuing under [the directive, or, power] of [their] origin all the four-footed animals, as well as creeping things (perhaps: insects; reptiles) of the ground (or: land; earth) and flying creatures of the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven). 13 Then a voice was birthed to him (or: occurred, [directed] toward him), "After getting up (or: Upon arising), Peter, slaughter (or: sacrifice) and then at once eat [it]!" 14 But Peter said, "Not even one [of those], Sir (or: Lord; Master; or: = Yahweh?), because I never eat (or: ate) all [that is] common (= what is not set-apart as food for Israelites and is forbidden by the dietary rules of the Law) and unclean (meaning: ceremonially unclean)!"