Romans 5:12-19

Great(i) 12 Wherfore, as by one man, synne entred into the worlde, and deeth by the meanes of synne. 13 Euen so deeth also went ouer all men, in so moch as all we haue synned. For euen vnto the lawe was synne in the worlde, but synne is not imputed, whan ther is no lawe: 14 neuerthelesse deeth raygned from Adam to Moses, euen ouer them also that had not synned wyth lyke transgression as dyd Adam: which beareth the similitude of him that was to come. 15 But the gyfte is not lyke as the synne. For yf thorow the synne of one, many be deed: moche more plenteous vpon many was the grace of God & gyfte by grace; whych was of one man Iesus Christ. 16 And the gyfte is not ouer one synne: as deeth cam thorow one synne of one that synned. For damnacyon came of one synne vnto condemnacyon: but the gyft came to iustify from many synnes. 17 For yf by the synne of one, deeth raygned by the meanes of one: moch more they (whych receaue aboundance of grace and of the gyfte of ryghtewesnes) shall raygne in lyfe by the meanes of one (that is to saye) Iesus Christ. 18 Lyke wyse then as by the synne of one there sprang vp euell on all men to condemnacyon: euen so by the ryghteousnes of one, spryngeth good vpon all men to the ryghteousnes of lyfe. 19 For as by one mannes disobedience many became synners: so by the obedience of one, shall many be made ryghteous.