Revelation 1:12-20

Great(i) 12 And I turned backe to se the voyce that spake to me. And when I was turned: I sawe seuen golden candelstickes, 13 & in the myddes of the candelstickes, one lyke vnto the sonne of man, clothed with a lynnen garment downe to the fete, and gyrd about the pappes wt a golden gyrdle. 14 His heed, & his heares were whyte, as whyte woll, & as snowe and hys eyes were as a flame of fyre: 15 & hys fete lyke vnto brasse, as though they brent in a fornace, and his voyce as the sounde of many waters. 16 And he had in his ryghte hande .vii. starres. And out of his mouthe went a sharpe two edged swearde. And his face shone, euen as the sonne in his strength. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his fete. euen as deed. And he layde his ryghte hande vpon me, saying vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst & the laste, 18 & and am a lyue, and was deed. And beholde I am a lyue for euermore & haue the keyes of hell & of deeth. 19 Wryte therfore the thynges which thou hast sene, and the thynges which are, and the thinges which must be fulfylled here after: 20 the mistery of the .vii. starres which thou sawest in my ryght hande, and the .vii. golden candelstickes. The .vii. starres are the messengers of the .vii. congregacions, And the seuen candelstickes which thou sawest, are the seuen congregacyons.