Psalms 89:38-45

Great(i) 38 He shall stande fast for euermore as the moone, and as the faythfull wytnesse in heauen. Selah: 39 But thou hast abhorred & forsaken thyne anoynted, & art displeased at him. 40 Thou hast broken the couenaunt of thy seruaunt, cast his crowne to the grounde. 41 Thou hast ouerthrowne all hys hedges, and broken downe hys stronge holdes. 42 All they that go by, spoyle hym, and he is become a rebuke vnto hys neyghboures. 43 Thou hast set vp the ryght hande of hys enemyes: & made all hys aduersaryes to reioyce. 44 Thou hast taken awaie the edge of his swearde: & geuest hym not victory in the battayle. 45 Thou hast put out his glory, & cast his trone downe to the grounde.