Psalms 37:30-40

Great(i) 30 The ryghtuous shall inherett the lande, and dwell therin for euer. 31 The mouth of the ryghtuous is exercised in wysdome and his tonge wilbe talkyng of iudgement, 32 The lawe of his God is in his hert, and his goynges shall not slyde. 33 The vngodly seeth the ryghtuous, & seketh occasyon to slaye hym. 34 The Lorde wyll not leaue hym in hys hande, ner condempne him when he is iudged. 35 Hope thou in the Lord, and kepe his waye, & he shal promote the, that thou shalt possesse the lande: when the vngodly shal perishe, thou shalt se it. 36 I my selfe haue sene the vngodly in great power, & florishinge lyke a grene baye tree: 37 & he vanished awaye, & lo, he was gone: I sought him, but coulde no where be found. 38 Kepe innocency, and take hede vnto the thynge that is ryght, for that shall brynge a man peace at the last. 39 As for the transgressours, they shall peryshe together, and the ende of the vngodly is, they shall be roted out at the last. But the saluacion of the ryghtuous commeth of the Lorde, which is also their strength in the tyme of trouble. 40 And the Lorde shall stande by them, and saue them: he shall delyuer them from the vngodly, and shall saue them, because they put theyr trust in hym.