Psalms 144:1-150:6

Great(i) 1 Of Dauid. Blessed be the Lord my strengthe, which teacheth my handes to warre, & my fyngers to fyght. 2 My hope and my fortresse, my castell, and delyuerer, my defender in whom I trust, whych subdueth my people that is vnder me. 3 Lorde, what is man, that thou hast soch respect vnto him? Or the sonne of man, that thou so regardest hym? 4 Man is lyke a thynge of naught, his tyme passeth awaye lyke a shadowe. 5 Bowe thy heauens, O Lorde, & come downe, touche the mountaynes, & they shall smoke. 6 Caste forth the lyghtynynge, & teare them, shote out thyne arowes, and consume them. 7 Sende downe thyne hande from aboue, delyuer me, & take me out of the great waters, from the hande of straunge chyldren, 8 Whose mouth talketh of vanyte, & theyr ryght hande is a ryght hande of wyckednes. 9 I wyll synge a newe songe vnto the, O God, & synge prayses vnto the vpon a tenstrynged lute. 10 Thou that geuest victory vnto kinges, and hast delyuered Dauid thy seruaunt from the parell of the swerde. 11 Saue me, and delyuer me from the hande of straunge chyldren, whose mouth talketh of vanite, and theyr ryght hande is a ryght hande of iniquite. 12 That oure sonnes maye growe vp as the yonge plantes, & that oure daughters maye be as the polyshed corners of the temple. 13 That oure garners may be full and plenteous with all maner of stoare: that once shepe maye brynge forth thousandes, and ten thousandes in oure stretes. 14 That oure oxen maye be stronge to laboure, that there be no decaye, no ledynge into captyuitie, & no complayninge in oure stretes. 15 Happye are the people that be in soche a case: yee blessed are the people, whych haue the Lorde for their God. 145 1 A thankesgeuynge of Dauid. I Wyll magnifye the, O God my kynge, and I wyll prayse thy name for euer and euer. 2 Euery daye wyll I geue thanckes vnto the, and prayse thy name for euer & euer. 3 Greate is the Lorde, & maruelous worthy to be praysed, there is no ende of hys greatnesse. 4 One generacyon shall prayse thy workes vnto another, and declare thy power. 5 As for me I wylbe talkyng of thy worship, thy glory, thy prayse, & wonderous worckes. 6 So that men shall speake of the myght of thy maruelous actes, and I wyll also tell of thy greatnes. 7 The memoriall of thyne aboundant kyndnes shalbe shewed, and men shall synge of thy ryghteousnesse. 8 The Lorde is gracyous and mercyfull, long sufferynge, and of greate goodnesse. 9 The Lord is louyng vnto euery man, and hys mercy is ouer all hys workes. 10 All thy worckes prayse the, O Lord, and thy saynctes geue thanckes vnto the. 11 They shewe the glory of thy kingdome, and talke of thy power. 12 That thy power, thy glory & mightinesse of thy kyngdome, myght be knowne vnto men. 13 Thy Kyngdome is an euerlastynge kyngdome, & thy dominion endureth thorowe out all ages. 14 The Lorde vpholdeth all soche as fall, & lyfteth vp all those that be downe. 15 The eyes of all wayte vpon the, & thou geuest them theyr meate in due season. 16 Thou openest thyne hande, and fyllest all thynges lyuinge wyth plenteousnesse. 17 The Lorde is ryghteous in all his wayes, and holy in all hys worckes. 18 The Lorde is nye vnto all them that call vpon hym, yee all soche as call vpon hym faythfully. 19 He wyll fulfyll the desyre of them that feare hym, he also wyll heare theyr crye, & will helpe them. 20 The Lorde preserueth all them that loue hym, but scatereth abroade all the vngodly. 21 My mouth shall speake the prayse of the Lorde, and let all flesh geue thankes vnto hys holy name for euer and euer. 146 1 Halleluiah. Prayse the Lorde, O my soule: whyle I lyue will I prayse the Lorde: yee as long as I haue any beynge, I will synge prayses vnto my God. 2 O put not youre trust in Princes, nor in any chylde of man, for there is no helpe in them. 3 For when the breth of man goeth forth he shall turne againe to his earth, and then all his thoughtes peryshe. 4 Blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for hys helpe, and whose hope is in the Lorde hys God. 5 Which made heauen and earth, the see, and all that therin is, whych kepeth hys promyse for euer. 6 Whych helpeth them to ryght that suffre wronge, whych fedeth the hongrye. 7 The Lorde loseth men out of preson, the Lorde geueth syght to the blynde. 8 The Lorde helpeh them vp that are fallen, the Lorde careth for the ryghteous. 9 The Lorde careth for the straungers, he defendeth the fatherlesse & wyddowe: as for the waye of the vngodly, he turneth it vpside downe, 10 The Lorde thy God, O Sion: shall be kynge for euermore, and thorowe out all generacyons. Halleluiah. 147 1 O prayse the Lord, for it is a good thing to synge prayse vnto oure God: yee a ioyfull and pleasaunt thynge is it to be thankfull. 2 The Lorde doth buylde vp Ierusalem, and shall gather to gether the outcastes of Israel. 3 He healeth those that ar broken in harte & gyueth medycine to heale ther sycknes. 4 He telleth the nombre of the starres, and calleth them all by ther names. 5 Greate is oure Lorde, and greate is hys power: yee hys wysdome is infynite. 6 The Lorde setteth vp the meke, and bryngeth the vngodly downe to the grounde. 7 O synge vnto the Lorde with thankesgeuynge, synge prayse vpon the harpe vnto oure God. 8 Whych couereth the heauen wyth cloudes, and prepareth rayne for the earth, and maketh the grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes. 9 Whych geueth fodre vnto the catell, & fedeth the yong rauens that call vpon hym. 10 He hath not pleasure in the strength of an horse, nether delyteth he in any mans legges. 11 But the Lordes delyte is in them that feare hym, and put their trust in hys mercy. 12 Prayse the Lord, O Ierusalem: prayse thy God, O Sion. 13 For he hath made fast the barres of thy gates, & hath blessed thy chyldren wythin the. 14 He maketh peace in thy borders, and fylleth the wyth the floure of wheate. 15 He sendeth forth hys commaundement vpon earth, and hys worde runneth very swyftly. 16 He geueth snowe lyke wolle, & scatereth the horefrost lyke ashes. 17 He casteth forth hys yse lyke morsels, who is able to abyde hys frost? 18 He sendeth out his worde & mealteth them, he bloweth with his wynd, and the waters flowe. 19 He sheweth hys worde vnto Iacob, hys statutes & ordinaunces vnto Israel. 20 He hath not dealte so wt anye nacyon, nether haue the heathen knowledge of hys lawes. Haleluiah. 148 1 Haleluiah. Prayse the euerlastynge. O prayse the Lorde of heauen, prayse hym in the heygth. 2 Prayse him all ye angels of hys, prayse hym all hys hoost. 3 Prayse hym Sunne and Moone, prayse hym all ye starres and lyght. 4 Prayse hym all ye heauens, & ye waters that be aboue the heauens. 5 Let them prayse the name of the Lorde, for he commaunded, and they were created. 6 He hath made them fast for euer and euer, he hath geuen them a lawe, whych shall not be broken. 7 Prayse the Lorde vpon earth, ye dragons, and all depes. 8 Fyre an hayle, snowe and vapors, wynde and storme, fulfyllyng hys worde. 9 Mountaynes & all hylles, frutefull trees and all Cedres. 10 Beastes and all catell, wormes and federed foules. 11 Kynges of the earth and all people, Princes and all iudges of the worlde. 12 Yonge men and maydens, olde men and chyldren: 13 prayse the name of the Lorde, for his name only is excellent, & hys prayse aboue heauen and earth. 14 He shall exalte the horne of hys people, all hys saynctes shall prayse hym, euen the chyldren of Israel, euen the people that serueth hym. Haleluiah. 149 1 Haleluiah. Prayse the euerlastynge. O synge vnto the Lorde a newe songe, let the congregacyon of sainctes prayse hym. 2 Let Israel reioyce in him that made hym, and let the chyldren of Sion be ioyfull in their king. 3 Let them prayse his name in the daunce, let them synge prayses vnto hym with tabrette & harpe. 4 For the Lorde hath pleasure in hys people, and helpeth the meke harted. 5 Let the saynctes be ioyfull with glory, let them reioyse in their beddes. 6 Let the prayses of God be in their mouth, and a two edged swerde in their handes. 7 To be auenged of the Heathen, and to rebuke the people. 8 To bynde their Kynges in cheynes, and their nobles wt lynkes of yron. 9 That they maye be auenged of them, as it is wrytten: soche honoure haue all hys saynctes. Haleluiah. 150 1 Haleluiah. O prayse God in his holynes, prayse hym in the fyrmament of his power. 2 Prayse hym in hys noble actes, prayse hym accordynge vnto hys excellent greatnesse. 3 Prayse hym in the sounde of the trompet, prayse hym vpon the lute & harpe. 4 Prayse him in the cymbales and daunse, prayse him vpon the strynges and pype. 5 Prayse hym vpon the welltuned cymbales, prayse hym vpon the loude cymbales. 6 Let euery thynge that hath breth, prayse the Lorde. Haleluiah.Prayse the euerlastynge.