Psalms 142

Great(i) 1 The instruccyon of Dauid, a prayer whan he was in the caue. I Cryed vnto the Lorde wt my voyce: yee, euen vnto the Lorde dyd I make my supplicacyon. I powred out my complayntes before hym, and shewed hym of my trouble. 2 When my sprete was in heuynesse, thou knewest my path: in the waye wherin I walked haue they preuely layed a snare for me. 3 I loked also vpon my right hande, and se, there was no man that wolde knowe me. I had no place to flee vnto, and no man cared for my soule. 4 I cryed vnto the, O Lorde, and sayde: thou arte my hope, and my porcyon in the lande of the lyuynge. 5 Consydre my complaynte: for I am brought very lowe. 6 O delyuer me from my persecutours: for they are to stronge for me. 7 Brynge my soule out of preson, that I maye geue thankes vnto thy name: which thynge yf thou wylt graunte me, then shall the ryghteous resorte vnto my company.