Psalms 101:4-8

Great(i) 4 A frowarde herte shall departe fro me, I wyll not knowe a wycked personne. 5 Who so preuely slaundreth hys neyghboure, hym will I destroye: Who so hath also a proude loke and an hye stomack, I wyll not suffre hym. 6 Myne eyes loke vnto soch as be faithfull in the lande, that they maye dwell with me: who so leadeth a godly lyfe, he shalbe my seruaunt. 7 There shall no disceatfull personne dwell in my house: he that telleth lyes, shall not tary in my syght. 8 I shall soone destroye all the vngodly that are in the lande, that I maye rote out all wycked doers from the cytie of the Lorde.