Numbers 28:16-25

Great(i) 16 And the fourtenth daye of the fyrst moneth, is the passeouer of the Lorde. 17 And in the fyftenth daye of the same moneth is the feast: and seuen dayes longe shall vnleuened bred be eaten. 18 In the fyrst daye shalbe an holy conuocacyon, ye shall do no maner of seruile worke therin. 19 But ye shall offer a sacrifyce for a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde .ij. yong bullockes, one ram, and seuen lambes of a yere olde, which are to you wtout spot, 20 and let theyr meatoffering be of floure mingled with oyle: thre tenth deales also shall ye offre for a bullock, and two tenth deales for a ram: 21 one tenth deale shalt thou offre for euery lambe of the seuen lambes: 22 and a hegoate for synne to make atonement for you. 23 Ye shall offer these, besyde the burntofferyng in the morning, which is a contynuall burntsacrifyce. 24 After this maner ye shall offre thorowout the .vij. dayes: the fode of the sacrifyce for a swete sauoure vnto the Lord. And it shalbe done besyde the dayly burntoffering and his drinckofferyng. 25 And in the seuenth daye ye shall haue an holy conuocacion, and ye shall do no seruyle worke.