Numbers 11:1-15

Great(i) 1 And it fortuned, that whan the people dyd wykedlye, it was a dyspleasure in the eares of the Lord. And when the Lord heard it, his countenaunce was prouoked to wrath, & the fier of the Lord burnt among them, & consumed them that were the vttemost of the hoste. 2 And the people cried vnto Moses. And whan Moses made intercession vnto the Lord, the fier quenched. 3 And the name of the place was called Thaberah, because the fier of the Lord burnt among them. 4 And the rascall people that was amonge them, fell a lustyng, and turned them selues and wepte (euen as dyd also the chyldren of Israel) and sayde: who shall geue vs flesh to eate? 5 we remembre the fyshe which we dyd eate in Egipt for naught, & the Cucumbers, and melons, lekes, onyons & garleke. 6 But nowe oure soule is dryed awaye, for we can se nothyng els, saue Manna. 7 The manna was as coriander seed, and (to se to) lyke Bedellion. 8 And the people went about and gathered it, and grounde it in milles, or bet it in morters, and baked it in pannes, and made kakes of it. And the taist of it was like vnto the taist of an oyle kake. 9 And whan the dewe fell downe vpon the hooste in the nyght, the Manna fell vpon it. 10 And whan Moses herde the people wepe thorowout theyr housholdes, euery man in the dore of his tent, the face of the Lord was prouoked vnto wrath exceadingly: & it greued Moses also. 11 And Moses sayde vnto the Lord: wherfore hast thou dealt cruelly with thy seruaunt? And wherfore haue I not found fauour in thy syght, seyng that thou puttest the weyght of all this people vpon me? 12 haue I conceaued all thys people? Or haue I begotten them:? hat thou shuldest saye vnto me? carie them in they bosome (as a nurse beareth the suckynge chylde) vnto the lande, which thou swarest vnto their fathers? 13 where shulde I haue fleshe, to geue vnto all thys people, which wepe before me, saying: geue vs flesh that we maye eate? 14 I am not able to beare all thys people alone, seying it is to heuy for me. 15 If thou deale thus with me, kyll me, I praye the, yf I haue founde fauour in thy syght, that I se not my wrechednes.