Luke 22:39-46

Great(i) 39 And he came out, and went (as he was wonte) to mounte Olyuete. And the discyples folowed hym. 40 And when he came to the place, he sayd vnto them: praye, lest ye fall into temptacyon. 41 And he gate hym selfe from them, about a stones cast, and kneled downe, and prayed, 42 saying: Father, yf thou wylt, remoue thys cup from me. Neuerthelesse, not my wyll, but thyne be fulfylled. 43 And ther appeared an angell vnto hym from heauen, confortynge hym. 44 And he was in an agoyne, and prayed the longer. And hys sweate was lyke droppes of bloud, trycklynge downe to the grounde. 45 And whan he rose vp from prayer and was come to hys discyples, he founde them slepynge for heuynesse, 46 and sayde vnto them: why slepe ye? Ryse, and praye, lest ye fall into temptacyon.