Joshua 18:6-11

Great(i) 6 Descrybe ye the lande therfore into seuen partes, and bryng the descripcion hether to me, and I shall cast lottes for you here before the Lord oure God. 7 But the Leuites haue no parte among you, for the preasthode of the lorde is their enheritaunce. And God, and Ruben, and halfe the tribd of Manasses haue receaued their enheritaunce beyonde Iordan eastwarde, which Moses the seruaunt of the Lorde gaue them. 8 And the men arose, & went their waye. And Iosua charged them that went to describe the lande, saying: departe, & go thorowe the lande, and describe it, & come agayne to me, that I maye here cast lottes for you before the Lorde in Silo. 9 And the men departed, & walked thorowe the lande, & described it by cyties into seuen partes, in a booke, and retourned to Iosua into the hoste at Silo. 10 And Iosua cast lottes for them in Silo before the Lorde, and there Iosua deuyded the land vnto the children of Israell, to eche their porcion. 11 And the lotte of the tribe of the children of Beniamin came vp according to their kynredes. And the coaste of their lotte came out betwene the children of Iuda and the children of Ioseph.