John 1:1-14

Great(i) 1 In the begynnynge was the worde, and the worde was wyth God: and God was the worde. 2 The same was in the begynnyng wyth God. 3 All thinges were made by it, & wythout it, was made nothynge that was made. 4 In it was lyfe, and the lyfe was the lyght of men, 5 and the lyght shyneth in darcknes, and the darcknes comprehended it not. 6 There was sent from God a man, whose name was Iohn. 7 The same cam as a wytnes to beare wytnes of the lyght, that all men through hym myght beleue. 8 He was not the lyght: but was sent to beare wytnes of the lyght. 9 That lyght was the true lyght, whych lyghteth euery man that cometh into the worlde. 10 He was in the worlde, and the worlde was made by hym: and the worlde knewe hym not. 11 He cam amonge hys awne, and hys awne receaued him not. 12 But as many as receaued hym to them gaue he power to be the sonnes of God: euen them that beleued on hys name: 13 whych were borne, not of bloude nor of the wyll of the flesshe, nor yet of the wyll of man: but of God. 14 And the same worde became flesshe, and dwelt amonge vs: and we sawe the glory of it, as the glory of the onely begotten sonne of the father, full of grace and trueth.