Joel 2:22-26

Great(i) 22 Be not ye afrayed nether (O ye beastes of the felde) for the pastures shalbe grene, and the trees shall beare their frute: the fyggetrees and vyneyardes shall geue theyr increase. 23 Be glad then (O ye chyldren of Syon) and reioyse in the Lorde youre God, for he hath geuen you a teacher of ryghteousnesse: & he it is that shall sende you downe shouers of rayne, early and late in the fyrst moneth: 24 so that the garners shalbe full of corne, and the presses plenteous in wyne and oyle. 25 And as for the yeares that the gresshoper, locuste, blastynge, and caterpyller (my greate hoost, which I sent amonge you) haue eaten vp, I shall restore them to you agayne. 26 so that ye shall haue ynough to eate, & be satisfyed: and prayse the name of the Lorde your God, that so maruelously hath dealte with you. And my people shall neuer be confounded any more.