Job 42:7-9

Great(i) 7 Now when the Lorde had spoken these wordes vnto Iob, it fortuned, that the Lord sayde vnto Eliphas the Themanite: I am displeased with the, and thy two frendes, for ye haue not spoken of me the thynge that is ryght, lyke as my seruaunt Iob hath done. 8 Therfore, take you now seuen oxen and seuen rammes, and go to my seruaunt Iob, and offre vp for youre selues a brent offeringe: and my seruaunt Iob shall praye for you. Hym wyll I accepte, and not deale wyth you after youre folyshnesse: in that ye haue not spoken the thinge whych is ryght, lyke as my seruaunt Iob hath done. 9 So Eliphas the Themanite, and Bildad the Suhite & Sophar the Naamathite went their waye, and dyd accordyng as the Lord commaunded them, The Lord also accepted the personne of Iob,