Job 27:2-6

Great(i) 2 As truly as God lyueth (which hath taken awaye my iudgement) and the Almightie, that hath vexed my mynde: 3 My lyppes shal talke of no vanyte, and my tonge shall speake no dysceate, 4 whyle my breth is in me, and as longe as the wynde (that God hath geuen me) is in my nostrels. 5 God forbid, that I shulde graunte youre cause to be ryght. As for me, vntyil myne ende come wyll I neuer goo fro myne innocency. 6 My ryghtwes dealynge kepe I fast, which I wyll not forsake: my hert shall not reproue me of my dayes.