Job 15:20-24

Great(i) 20 The vngodly soroweth all the dayes of hys lyfe as it were a woman with a childe, and the nombre of a tyrauntes yeares is vnknowne. 21 A fearfull sounde is euer in hys eares, and when it is peace, yet feareth he destruccyon. 22 He beleueth neuer to be delyuered oute of darckenes, for the swearde is alwaye before hys eyes. 23 When he goeth forth to get his lyuying, he seeth plainely, that the daye of darcknesse is at hande. 24 Sorowe and carefulnesse wyll make hym afrayed, and compasse hym rounde aboute, lyke as it were a kynge with hys hoost ready to the batayll.