Jeremiah 48:9-25

Great(i) 9 Geue wynges vnto Moab, that she get her awaye spedely: for her cyties shalbe made so desolate, that no man shall dwell therin. 10 Cursed be he that doth the worcke of the Lorde negligently, and cursed be he that kepeth backe his swearde from sheddynge of bloude. 11 Moab hath euer bene ryche and carelesse from her youth vp, she hath sytten and taken her ease with her treasure. She was neuer yet put out of one vessell into another (that is) she neuer wente awaye into captiuyte, therfore her taste remayneth, and her sauour is not yet chaunged. 12 But lo, the tyme commeth, sayth the Lord, that I shall sende her trussers to trusse her vp: which shall remoue her from her dwellynge: and to emptye her vessels, and breake her wyne pottes. 13 And Moab shalbe ashamed of Chamos, lyke as Israel was ashamed of Bethel, wherin she put her trust 14 Wherfore do ye thynke thus: we are myghtye and stronge men of warre? 15 Moab is destroyed, and her cyties brent vp: her chosen yonge men be slayne, sayth the kyng, whose name is the Lorde of hostes. 16 The destruccyon of Moab commeth on apace, and her fall is at hande. 17 All her neyghbours shall mourne for her, and all they that know her name shall saye, O howe happeneth it, that the stronge stafe and the goodly rodde is thus broken? 18 And thou daughter Dibon, come downe from thy glory, & syt in thyrst. For he that destroyeth Moab, shall come vp to the also, and breake downe thy stronge holde. 19 And thou that dwellest in Aroer, get the to the strete, and loke aboute the: aske them that are fledd and escaped, and saye: what thinge is happened? 20 Oh, Moab is confounded and ouercome. Mourne and crye, tell it out at Arnon, that Moab is destroyed. 21 For iudgment shall come vpon the playne lande: Namely, vpon Holon, and Iahazah, vpon Mephaath 22 and Dibon, vpon Nabo and the house of Deblathaim, 23 vpon Cariathiarim and vpon the house Gamul, vpon the house Maon 24 and Carioth vpon Bozrah and all the cyties in the lande of Moab, whether they lye farre or neare. 25 The horne of Moab is smyten downe and her arme broken, sayth the Lorde.