Jeremiah 27:18-22

Great(i) 18 But yf they be true prophetes in very dede, and yf the worde of the Lorde be committed vnto them, then let them praye the Lorde of hostes, that the remnaunt of the ornamentes (which are in the house of the Lorde, and remayne yet in the house of the kynge of Iuda and at Ierusalem) be not caryed to Babylon also. 19 For thus hath the Lorde of hoostes spoken concernynge the pyllers, the lauer, the seate and the resydue of the ornamentes that yet remayne in thys citye, 20 which Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon toke not, when he caryed awaye Iechoniah the sonne of Iehoakim king of Iuda with all the power of Iuda and Ierusalem, from Ierusalem vnto Babylon, captyue. 21 Yee, thus hath the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel spoken, as touchynge the resydue of the ornamentes of the Lordes house, of the kynge of Iudaes house, and of Ierusalem. 22 (