Jeremiah 26

Great(i) 1 In the begynninge of the raygne of Iehoakim the sonne of Iosiah kyng of Iuda, came thys worde from the Lorde, sayinge: 2 Thus sayeth the Lorde: Stande in the court of the Lordes house, and speake vnto all them which (oute of the cyties of Iuda) come to do worshyp in the Lordes house, all the wordes that I commaunde the to saye. Loke that thou kepe not one worde backe, 3 yf peraduenture they wyll herken, and turne euery man from hys wycked waye: that I maye also repente of the plage, which I haue determyned to brynge vpon them, because of theyr wicked inuencyons. 4 And after thys maner shalt thou speake vnto them: Thus sayth the Lorde: yf ye will not obey me, to walke in my lawes, which I haue geuen you, 5 and to heare the wordes of my seruauntes the prophetes, whom I sent vnto you, rysynge vp tymely, and styll sendynge. If ye wyll not folowe them (I saye) 6 then I wyll do to thys house as I dyd vnto Siloh, and wyll make thys citye to be abhorred of all the people of the earth. 7 And the preastes, the prophetes and all the people hearde Ieremy preache these wordes, in the house of the Lorde. 8 Nowe when he had spoken out all the wordes that the Lorde commaunded him to preach vnto the people, then the prestes, the prophetes and all the people toke holde vpon him, and sayde: thou shalt dye. 9 Howe darest thou be so bolde, as to saye in the name of the Lorde, it shall happen to thys house as it dyd vnto Siloh: and thys citye shalbe so waste, that no man shall dwell therin? 10 And when all the people were gathered about Ieremy in the house of the Lorde, the princes of Iuda hearde of this rumour, and they came soone oute of the kynges palace, into the house of the Lord: and sat them downe before the newe dore of the Lorde. 11 Then spake the prestes and the prophetes vnto the rulers and to all the people, these wordes: Thys man is worthy to dye, for he hath preached agaynst thys citye, as ye youre selues haue hearde with your eares. 12 Then sayde Ieremy vnto the rulers and to all the people: The Lorde hath sent me to preache agaynst this house and agaynst this cytie all the wordes that ye haue heard. 13 Therfore amende youre wayes, and youre aduysementes, and be obedient vnto the voyce of the Lorde youre God: so shall the Lorde repente of the plage, that he hath deuised agaynst you. 14 Nowe as for me: I am in your handes, do with me, as ye thynke expedient and good. 15 But this shall ye knowe: yf ye put me to death, ye shall make youre selues, thys citye and all the inhabytours therof, gyltye of innocent bloude. For thys is of a trueth that the Lorde hath sent me vnto you, to speake all these wordes in youre eares. 16 Then sayde the rulers and the people vnto the prestes and prophetes: This man maye not be condempned to death, for he hath preached vnto vs in the name of the Lorde oure God. 17 The elders also of the lande stode vp, and saide thus vnto all the people: 18 Micheah the Morasthite, which was a prophet vnder Ezekiah kynge of Iuda, spake to all the people of Iuda. Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes: Syon shalbe plowed lyke a felde, Ierusalem shalbe an heape of stones, and the hyll of the Lordes house shalbe turned to an hye wod. 19 Dyd Ezekiah the kynge of Iuda, and the people of Iuda put hym to death for this? No verely: but rather feared the Lord, and made theyr prayer vnto hym. For the which cause also the Lorde repented of the plage, that he had deuysed agaynst them. Shulde we then do soch a shamefull dede agaynst oure soules? 20 There was a prophete also, that preached styfly in the name of the Lorde, called Uriah the sonne of Semeiah of Cariathiarim: this man preached also agaynst this citye and agaynst this lande, according to all as Ieremy sayth. 21 Nowe when Iehoakim the kinge with all the estates & prynces had hearde hys wordes, the kynge went about to slaye hym. When Uriah perceaued that, he was afrayed, and fledd, and departed into Egipte. 22 Then Iehoakim the kinge sent seruauntes into the lande of Egypt, namely Elnathan the sonne of Achbor, and certayne men with hym into Egipt, 23 which fetched Uriah out of Egipt, and brought him vnto kynge Iehoakim, that slewe him with the sweard, and cast hys deed bodye into the comen peoples graue. 24 But Ahikam the sonne of Saphan helped Ieremye, that he came not into the handes of the people to be slayne.