Isaiah 7:1-13

Great(i) 1 It happened in the tyme of Ahaz the sonne of Iotham, which was the sonne of Uziah Kynge of Iuda: that Razin the Kynge of Syria, and Pechah the sonne of Romelyah, kynge of Israel: went vp toward Ierusalem to besege it, but Razin was not able to winne ye. 2 Now when the house of Dauid (that is Ahaz) herde worde therof, that Syria & Ephraim were confederate together: his herte quaked (yee and the hertes also of his people) lyke as whan a tree in the felde is moued with the wynde. 3 Then sayde God vnto Esay: go mete Ahaz (thou and thy sonne Sear Iasub) at the head of the ouer pole, in the fote path by the fullers grounde, 4 & saye vnto hym, take hede to thy selfe & be styll, but feare not, nether be faynt harted, for these two tayles: that is: for these two smokyng fyre brandes, the wrath and furiousnes of Razin the Syrian and Romelies sonne: 5 because that the kynge of Syria Ephraim and Romelies sonne haue wickedly conspyred agaynst the saying: 6 We wyll goo vp agaynst Iuda, vexe them, and brynge them vnder vs, and set a kynge there, euen the sonne of Tabeel 7 For thus sayeth the Lorde God therto, It shal not so goo forth, nether come so to passe: 8 for the head cytie of the Sirians is Damascus, but the head of Damascus is Rayzin. And after fyue & threscore yeare, shall Ephraim be no more a people. 9 And the chefe cytie of Ephraim is Samaria, but the head of Samaria is Romelies sonne. Yf ye beleue not: it commeth of thys: that ye are vnfaithfull to God. 10 Moreouer, God spake once agayne vnto Ahaz, sayinge, 11 requyre a token of the Lorde thy God, whether it be toward the depth beneth, or towarde the heygth aboue. 12 Then sayd Ahaz: I will requyre none, nether wyll I tempte the Lorde 13 The Lorde answered: Then heare to, ye of the house of Dauid: Is it not ynough for you that ye be greuous vnto men, but ye must greue my God also.