Isaiah 59:19-21

Great(i) 19 wher thorowe the name of the Lorde myght be feared, from the rysynge of the Sunne: and hys magesty, vnto the goinge downe of the same. For he shall come as a violent waterstreame, whych the wynde of the Lorde hath moued. 20 But vnto Sion there shall come a redemer, and vnto them in Iacob that turne from wyckednesse, sayeth the Lorde. 21 I wyll make thys couenaunt wyth them (sayth the Lorde:) My sprete that is vpon the, and the wordes which I haue put in thy mouth, shall neuer go out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy chylders chyldren, from thys tyme forth for euermore worlde wythout ende sayth the Lorde.