Isaiah 44:7-9

Great(i) 7 Yf any be lyke me, lett hym call forth the thynge paste and openly shewe it, and laye it playne before me what hath chaunsed synce I apoynted the people of the worlde, and what shall be shortly or what shall come to passe, in tyme longe to come, let them shewe thes thynges. 8 Be not abashed nor afrayde. For haue not I euer tolde you hytherto, and warned you? Ye can beare me recorde youre selues. Is there any God excepte me? or any maker, that I shulde not knowe hym? 9 All caruers of Images are but vayne, & the carued ymages that they loue, can do no good. They must beare recorde them selues, that (seynge they can nether se ner vnderstande) they shalbe confounded.