Isaiah 38

Great(i) 1 Not longe afore this, was Hezechia sycke vnto the deeth, & the prophete Esay the sonne of Amoz came vnto him, & sayd: Thus commaundeth the Lord: Set thyne house in ordre, for thou must dye, and shalt not escape. 2 Then Hezechia turned hys face towarde the wall, and prayed vnto the Lorde, 3 and sayde: Remembre (O Lorde) that I haue walcked before the in treuth and a stedfast herte, & haue done the thynge that is pleasaunt to the. And Hezechia wepte sore 4 Then sayde God vnto Esay: 5 Go and speake vnto Hezechia: the Lord God of Dauid thy father sendeth the this worde: I haue hearde thy prayer, and consydred thy teares, beholde, I will put fyftene yeares mo vnto thy lyfe, 6 and delyuer the and the cytie also, from the hande of the kynge of Assyria, for I wyll defende the cytie: 7 And take the thys token of the Lord, that he will do it, as he hath spoken: 8 Beholde, I wyll returne the shadowe of Ahaz dyal, that nowe is layed out with the Sunne and bringe it ten degrees backward. So the Sunne turned ten degrees backwarde, the which he was descended afore. 9 A thanckesgeuynge, which Hezekia Kynge of Iuda wrote, when he had bene sycke, and was recouered. 10 I thought I shulde haue gone to the gates of hell when myne age was shortened, and haue wanted the resydue of my yeares. 11 I spake within my selfe: I shall neuer viset the Lorde (the Lord I saye) in thys lyfe. I shal neuer se man among the dwellers of the worlde. 12 Myne age is folden vp together, & taken awaye fro me, lyke a shepherdes cotage: I haue hewen of my lyfe by my synnes, lyke as a weeuer cutteth of hys webb. He wyll with pyninge sycknesse make an ende of me: yee, he wyll make en ende of me in one daye. 13 I thought I wolde haue lyued vnto the morowe, but he brosed my bones lyke a lyon, and in one daye thou wilt make an ende of me. 14 Then chatred I lyke a swalowe, and lyke a crane, and mourned as a doue. I lyfte vp myne eyes into the heygth: O Lorde (sayde I) my sycknes kepeth me downe: ease thou me. 15 What shall I saye? The Lorde hath made a promise to me. Yee, and he him selfe hath perfourmed it. I shall therfore as longe as I lyue remembre thys bitternes of my lyfe. 16 O Lorde men maye lyue beyond theyr yeares, and I wyll declare to all men: that euen in those yeres I haue a ioyfull lyfe, and that it was thou that causedest me to sleape and agayne thou hast geuen lyfe to me. 17 Beholde bytter as gall was my pensyuenesse, so sore longed I for helth. And it was thy pleasure to deliuer my lyfe, from the fylthye pytt, for thou it is (O Lorde) that hast cast all my synnes behynde thy backe. 18 For hell prayseth not the, death doth not magnifye the. They that go downe into the graue prayse not thy trueth: 19 but the lyuinge, yee, the lyuing a knowledge the, lyke as I do thys daye. The father telleth hys chyldren of thy faythfulnesse. 20 To heale me it is the Lordes worcke, and we wyll synge my songes in thy house, all the dayes of oure lyfe. 21 And Esaye sayde: take a playster of fygges, and laye it vpon the sore, so shall it be whole. 22 Then sayd Hezekia: O what a great miracle is this, that I shall go vp into the house of the Lorde?