Isaiah 37:1-7

Great(i) 1 When Hezekias hearde that, he rent hys clothes, and putt on a sacke cloth, and went into the temple of the Lorde. 2 But he sente Eliakim the president. Sobna the scribe, with the eldest prestes clothed in sacke, vnto the prophet Esay the sonne of Amoz, 3 and they said vnto hym: Thus sayth Hezekias: Thys is the daye of trouble, of plage and of blasphemye: for the children are come to the place of byrth: but there is no power to brynge them forth. 4 The Lorde thy God (no doubte) hath well consydered the wordes of Rabsaketh, whom his Lorde the king of Assirians hath sent to defye & blaspheme the lyuynge God: with soche wordes as the Lorde thy God hath hearde ryght well. And therfore, lyfte vp thy prayer for the remnaunt, that yet are left. 5 So the seruauntes of the kynge Hezekias came to Esay. 6 And Esay gaue them thys answere: Saye thus vnto your lorde: thus sayth the Lorde: Be not afraied of the wordes that thou hast hearde wherwith the kyng of the Assirians seruauntes haue blasphemed me. 7 Beholde, I will cause a wynde to go ouer him, assone as he heareth the rumour, he shall go again into hys contrey: there wyll I destroye hym with the swearde in his awne lande.