1 When I vndertake to make Israel whole, then the vngraciousnesse of Ephraim and the wyckednes of Samaria commeth to lyght: then go they aboute wt lyes: therfore the theafe robbeth within: & wtout the spoyler destroyeth.
2 They considre not in their hertes that I remembre all their wickednes. Nowie ther awne inuentyons haue beset them whych, I se well ynough.
3 They make the kynge and the prynces, to haue pleasure in theyr wyckednes and lyes.
4 All these burne in aduoutry, as it were an ouen that the baker heateth, when he hath left kneadynge, tyll the dowe be leuended.
5 Euen so goeth it this daye with oure kynges and princes, for they begynne to be wodde droncken thorowe wyne: they vse familiarite with soch as disceaue them.
6 They with the ymaginacyon of their herte are lyke an ouen, their slepe is all the nyght lyke the slepe of a baker, in the mornynge is he as hote as the flame of fyre:
7 they are all together as hote as an ouen. They haue deuoured their awne iudges, all theyr kynges are fallen: yet is there none of them that calleth vpon me.
8 Therfore must Ephraim be myxte amonge the Heathen: Ephraim is become lyke a cake, the no man turneth,
9 straungers haue deuoured his strength, yet he regardeth it not: he waxeth full of gray heares, yet wyll he not knowe it
10 and the pryde of Israel is cast downe before theyr face, yet wyll they not turne to the Lord theyr God, ner seke hym for all thys.
11 Ephraim is lyke a doue, that is begyled, and hath no herte. Now call they vpon the Egypcyans, nowe go they to the Assyrians:
12 but whyle they be goynge here and there, I shall sprede my net ouer them, & drawe them downe as the foules of the ayre: & accordyng as they haue bene warned, so will I punishe them.
13 Wo be vnto them, for they haue forsaken me. They must be destroyed, for they haue set me at naught, I am he that haue redemed them, and yet they dissemble wyth me.
14 They call not vpon me with theyr hertes, but lye houlynge vpon theyr beddes. Where as they come together, it is but for meate & dryncke, and me will they not obeye.
15 I haue taught them, and defended theyr arme, yet do they ymagin myschefe against me.
16 They turne them selues, but not to the most hyest, & are become as a broken bowe. Their princes shalbe slayne with the swearde, for the malyce of theyr tunges, soche scornnes shall they haue in the lande of Egypt.