Hebrews 8:5-13

Great(i) 5 offer gyftes whych serue vnto the ensample, and shadowe of heauenly thynges: euen as the answere of God was geuen vnto Moses, when he was about to fynyssh the tabernacle. Take hede (sayde he) that thou make all thinges accordinge to the patrone which is shewed to the in the mount. 6 But now hath he obtayned a presthode so moch the more excellent, as he is the mediator of a better testament, which was confirmed in better promyses. 7 For yf that fyrst testament had bene soch, that no faute coulde haue bene founde in it, then shulde no place haue bene sought for the seconde. 8 For in rebukynge them, he sayth vnto them. Beholde the dayes come (sayth the Lord) and I wyll fynyssh vpon the house of Israel, and vpon the house of Iuda, 9 a new testament: not like the testament that I made with theyr fathers in that daye, when I toke them by the handes, to leade them out of the land of Egypte. For they contynued not in my testament, and I regarded them not sayth the Lord. 10 For this is the testament, that I wyll make wt the house of Israel: After those dayes (sayth the Lord) I wyll put my lawes in their myndes, and in their hertes I will write them, and I wylbe their God, and they shalbe my people. 11 And they shall not teach euery man hys neyghboure, and euery man hys brother, saying: knowe the Lord: for they shall knowe me, from the least to the moste of them: 12 For I wilbe mercyfull ouer their vnrightewesnes, and their synnes & their iniquities will I thinke vpon nomore. 13 In that he sayth a new testament, he hath worne out the olde, For that which is worne out & wexed olde, is redy to vanyshe awaye.