Hebrews 5:1-5

Great(i) 1 For euery hye preste that is taken from amonge men, is ordeyned for men, in thynges pertaynynge to God to offer gyftes and sacrifyces for synne, 2 which can haue compassion on the ignoraunt, and on them that erre out of the waye, for as moch as he him selfe also is compassed with infirmitie. 3 And for the same infirmities sake he is bounde to offer for synnes, as well for him selfe, as for the people. 4 And no man taketh honour vnto him selfe, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. 5 Euen so Christ also glorified not him selfe, to be made the hye preste: but he that sayde vnto him, thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begoten the, glorifyed him.