Genesis 37:4-11

Great(i) 4 And when hys brethren sawe that theyr father loued him more than all his brethren, they hated hym & coulde not speke peaceably vnto hym. 5 Moreouer whan Ioseph had dreamed a dreame, he tolde it his brethren whych hated hym yet the more. 6 And he sayde vnto them: heare I praye yowe thys dreame which I haue dreamed: 7 Beholde we were byndinge sheues in the felde: & lo, my sheffe arose, and stode vp ryght, and youres stode rounde aboute and made obeysaunce to my sheffe. 8 To whom hys brethren sayde: shalt thou be oure kynge in dede? or shalt thou in dede haue dominyon ouer vs? And they hated hym yet the more, because of hys dreames, and of his wordes. 9 And he dreamed yet another dreame and tolde it his brethren sayinge: beholde, I haue had one dreame more: me thought the sonne and the moone & .xj. starres made obeysaunce to me. 10 And when he had tolde it vnto his father and hys brethren, hys father rebuked him & sayde vnto him: what is thys dreame which thou hast dreamed: shall I & thy mother and thy brethren come to fall on the grounde before the? 11 And hys brethren hated him, but hys father noted the sayinge.