Genesis 27

Great(i) 1 And it came to passe that whan Isahac wexed olde and hys eyes were dymme (so that he coulde not see) He called Esau his eldest sonne and sayd vnto hym: my sonne. And he sayde vnto hym: here am I. 2 And he sayde: beholde, I am nowe olde, and knowe not the daye of my deth: 3 and nowe therfore take thy weapens, thy quyuer and thy bowe, & get the to the feldes, that thou mayest take me some venyson, 4 and make me meate soche as I loue, and brynge it me, that I maye eate, and that my soule may blesse the before that I dye. 5 But Rebecca hearde when Isahac spake to Esau hys sonne. And Esau wente into the felde, to catche venyson, and to brynge it. 6 And Rebecca sayd vnto Iacob hyr sonne sayinge? Beholde I haue herde thy father talkynge wyth Esau thy brother and sayinge: 7 brynge me venyson and make me meate, that I maye eate and blesse the before the Lorde, afore my death. 8 Nowe therfore my sonne heare my voyce in that whych I commaunde the: 9 gett the to the flocke, and brynge me thence two good kyddes, that I maye make meate of them for thy father, soche as he loueth. 10 And thou shalt brynge it to thy father, that he maye eate & that he maye blesse the before hys deth. 11 Then sayde Iacob to Rebecca hys mother: beholde, Esau my brother is a rough man, and I am smooth. 12 My father shall peraduenture fele me, and I shall seme vnto him as though I went aboute to begyle hym, & so shall he brynge a curse vpon me, and not a blessynge: 13 and hys mother sayde vnto hym: Upon me be thy curse my sonne, only heare my voyce, and go and fetch me them. 14 And Iacob went and fet them, and brought them to hys mother. And hys mother made meate such as she knewe his father loued. 15 And Rebecca fett goodly rayment of hyr eldest sonnes Esau, whych was in the house wyth hyr, & put yt vpon Iacob hyr youngest sonne, 16 & she put the skynnes of gotys vpon hys handes and vpon the smooth of hys necke. 17 And she put the meate & brede whych she had prepared in the hande of hyr sonne Iacob. 18 Whan he came to hys father, he sayde: my father? And he answered: here am I, who art thou my sonne? 19 And Iacob sayde vnto hys father: I am Esau thy eldest sonne, I haue done accordynge as thou baddest me: vp and syt and eate of my venyson, that thy soule maye blesse me. 20 And Isahac sayde vnto hys sonne: howe commeth it that thou hast founde it so quyckly my sonne? He answered: The Lorde thy God brought it to my hande. 21 Than sayde Isahac vnto Iacob, come nere and let me fele the my sonne, whether thou be my sonne Esau or not. 22 Than went Iacob to Isahac hys father, and he felt hym and sayd: the voyce is Iacobs voyce, but the handes are the handes of Esau. 23 And he knewe hym not, because hys handes were rough as hys brother Esaus handes: and so he blessed hym. 24 And he axed hym: art thou my sonne Esau? And he sayde, that I am. 25 Than sayde he: brynge me & let me eate of my sonnes venyson, that my soule maye blesse the. And he brought hym and he eate. And he brought hym wyne also, and he drancke. 26 And hys father Isahac sayde vnto hym, come nere, and kysse me my sonne. 27 And he went vnto hym and kyssed hym. And he smelled the sauoure of hys rayment, and blessed hym, and sayde, See, the smelle of my sonne is as the smell of a felde whych the Lorde had blessed. 28 God geue the of the dewe of heauen, and of the fatnesse of the erth, and plentye of corne and wyne. 29 People be thy seruauntes, and nacyons bowe vnto the. Be Lorde ouer thy brethren, and thy mothers chyldren stowpe vnto the. Curssed be he that cursseth the, and blessed be he that blesseth the. 30 It happened that assoone as Isahac had made an ende of blessynge and Iacob was skace gone out from the presence of Isahac his father, then came Esau his brother from his huntyng 31 and had made also meate, and brought it vnto hys father, and sayde vnto his father: let my father aryse and eate of his sonnes venyson, that thy soule maye blesse me. 32 Than hys father Isahac sayde vnto hym: who art thou? he answered: I am thy eldest sonne Esau. 33 And Isahac was greatly astonyed out of mesure, and sayde: whych is he & where is he then that hath hunted venyson and brought it me? and I haue eaten of all before thou camest, and haue blessed hym, & he shall be blessed. 34 When Esau herde the wordes of hys father, he cryed out greatly and bytterly, aboue mesure, and sayde vnto hys father: blesse me also my father. 35 Who answered: thy brother came wyth subtilte, & hath taken awaye thy blessyng. 36 And he sayd agayne: He maye well be called Iacob, for he hath vndermyned me now two tymes, fyrst he toke awaye my byrthryght: and se, nowe hath he taken awaye my blessynge also. And he sayde: hast thou kept neuer a blessynge for me? 37 Isahac answered and sayde vnto Esau: beholde I haue made hym thy Lord, and all hys mothers chyldren haue I made hys seruauntes. Moreouer wyth corne & wyne haue I stablysshed hym, what can I do vnto the nowe my sonne? 38 And Esau sayde vnto hys father: hast thou but that one blessynge my father? blesse me also my father: so lyfted vp Esau his voyce and wepte. 39 Than Isahac hys father answered & sayde vnto hym: beholde, thy dwellinge place shall be the fatnesse of the erth, and of the dewe of heauen from aboue. 40 And wyth thy swerde shalt thou lyue, and shalt be thy brothers seruaunt. And it wyll come to passe, that when thou shalt gett the mastrye, thou shalt lowse hys yocke from of thy necke. 41 And Esau hated Iacob, because of the blessynge that hys father blessed hym wyth. all. And Esau sayde in his harte: The dayes of my fathers sorowe are at hande, and I wyll sley my brother Iacob. 42 And these wordes of Esau hyr eldest sonne were tolde to Rebecca. And she sent and called Iacob hyr yongest sonne, and sayde vnto hym: beholde thy brother Esau threatneth to kyll the: 43 nowe therfore my sonne heare my voyce, make the redy, & flee to Laban my brother at Haran: 44 & tarye wyth him a whyle vntyll thy brothers fearsnes be swaged, 45 & vntyll thy brothers wrath turne awaye from the, & he forget the thynges whych thou hast done to him. Than wyll I sende and fet the awaye from thence. Why shulde I be desolate of you bothe in one daye? 46 & Rebecca spake to Isahac, I am wery of my lyfe, for feare of the daughters of Heth. If Iacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, soche one as these are, or of the daughters of the lande, what good shall my lyfe do me?